2 years 5 months

Regional cooperation in the area of search and rescue in civil aviation

Podgorica – Montenegro took over from Bosnia and Herzegovina the presidency of Regional Aeronautical SAR Advisory Committee (RASARAC) in civil aviation. For that purpose, the meeting took place and participants were the representatives of the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro and representatives of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Directorate of Civil Aviation, as well as the special representative of the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) for cooperation with the RASARAC who attended the meeting via weblink.

At the meeting, joint activities up to now and plans for 2022 were taken into consideration... OPŠIRNIJE

2 years 6 months

The Civil Aviation Agency has established a system for alcohol testing performed on flight and cabin crew members of national and foreign air carriers.

Alcohol testing

The breath alcohol concentration (BrAC), measured during the alcohol test, should not exceed a level equivalent to 0.2 grams of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) per litre of blood.

When the crew member is tested positive he/she will be:

  • Removed from duty
  • subjected to procedure in accordance with the rules
  • Reported to competent aviation authorities
    • Licensing authority
    • State of operator

Any refusal or lack of cooperation during an alcohol test will be regarded as a positive case.

Who may... OPŠIRNIJE

2 years 6 months

The Civil Aviation Agency organised the workshop on "State Safety Programme for Civil Aviation ", on Friday, December 3, 2021. The Agency has, through the organization of this workshop, informed the members of the National Civil Aviation Safety Board about the State Safety Programme.

Mr Veselin Popović, a Safety Manager in the Civil Aviation Agency, has made participants familiar with the ICAO, EASA and national safety requirements. During the presentation at the workshop, he presented the updated documents – the State Safety Programme, National Aviation Safety Plan and Safety Indicators. The State Safety Programme includes an integrated set of regulations and rules of conduct, established in order to improve air traffic safety. The updated version, in accordance with the... OPŠIRNIJE