4 years 10 months

Montenegro is ranked high among the 192 Member States of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the effective implementation of standards and recommended practices in the area of civil aviation safety. The official implementation efficiency of Montenegro in the area of civil aviation confirmed by ICAO is 87.99 percent, which is a huge improvement compared to the result from 2010 (64.71 percent).

The latest ranking is the result of a comprehensive ICAO control visit, which took place in January this year. Eight areas were controlled: legislation, organization, staff licensing, operations, aircraft airworthiness, accident and serious incident investigation, air navigation services and airports.


4 years 11 months

The interview with the director of the Civil Aviation Agency, Dragan Djurovic, is published in Inside Industry Magazine.

Safe skies in Montenegro

4 years 11 months

There is more than 7,700 civil helicopters in Europe, that are very important for the Community, because they provide assistance such as urgent medical transport, oversight, assistance to the police, and they are often used as a support to the sector of agriculture.

According to the statistics, there is one helicopter accident each week at our continent.

For the very reason to improve safety of helicopter operations @EASA provides detailed analysis regarding the safe helicopter operations in Europe at this page. 

https://www.easa.europa.eu/... OPŠIRNIJE