5 years 3 weeks

There are 266 operators of unmanned aircraft – drones registered in Montenegro, but the number of drones in use is significantly higher.

With the aim of introducing as many drone operators as possible in regulatory frameworks, the Civil Aviation Agency launched this year also the educational campaign on ways of safe drone operations. Through conducting of this campaign, the Agency insists on drone operators to respect the regulatory framework in the field of civil aviation in order not to endanger the safety of air transport and the persons and property on the ground.

The use of drones is experiencing real expansion, not only for the purpose of aerial recording, but they also prove to be very useful in... OPŠIRNIJE

5 years 2 months

On April 9 2019, the Civil Aviation Agency organized the workshop on implementation of principles of Just Culture. The representatives of the Civil Aviation Agency and of the Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA llc made their presentations on this subject. The participants of the seminar were the representatives of the Civil Aviation Agency, the Airports of Montenegro AD, Montenegro Airlines, SMATSA, Helicopter Unit of Ministry of Interior, as well as colleagues from the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia.

The aim of this seminar is to maintain continuity in terms of improving principles of Just Culture.

The Civil Aviation Agency is committed to continuous improvement of safety which... OPŠIRNIJE

5 years 3 months

The Government of Montenegro, at the meeting on 02 July 2009, adopted the Decision establishing the Civil Aviation Agency (Official Gazette of Montenegro no. 45/09), and hereby established, the Civil Aviation Agency for the purpose of performing affairs of public interest in the area of civil aviation.

Article 5 of the Law on Air Transport (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 30/12) determined legal position of the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro, and it laid down that the Agency is an independent legal entity exercising public authorities under the Law, established by the Government of Montenegro, independent in performingaffairs from its competence and accountable to the Government for its work. As laid down in the article 13... OPŠIRNIJE