8 years 5 months

Technical Cooperation Programme, signed in 2013 by Montenegro Civil Aviation Agency and Directorate General for Civil Aviation of France enabled realisation of 10 activities, which provided significant contribution to further professional improvements of human resources and application of recommended practices in aviation.

Technical Cooperation Programme, signed in 2013 by Montenegro Civil Aviation Agency and Directorate General for Civil Aviation of France enabled realisation of 10 activities, which provided significant contribution to further professional improvements of human resources and application of recommended practices in aviation.

At the second meeting of the Steering Committee of this programme, held on 9 February in Paris, actual cooperation was evaluated as... OPŠIRNIJE

8 years 7 months

New air transport navigation system tested in Montenegro
Pilots from the Civil Aviation Agency have successfully completed trial flight using for the first time new PBN navigation concept and EGNOS satellite system, which is operable in Europe in the last two years. The new PBN navigation concept is based on aircraft navigation performance and primarily enables better accuracy during the flight.

Landing procedure used in trial flight was developed by the Spanish company PildoLabs, within the Horizon 2020 project, funded by the European Union. The procedure is based on EGNOS, the new European satellite system, which significantly increases the accuracy of signals of existing actual satellite systems (GPS, Glonass and Galileo) for flights. 

“This flight resulted in... OPŠIRNIJE

8 years 7 months

Mr Frank Brenner, the Director General of the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation EUROCONTROL, is visiting Montenegro, and his visit is an important indicator of recognition of accomplishments made by Montenegro Civil Aviation Agency and overall development of civil aviation in Montenegro, according to the words of Mr Djurovic, the Director General of the Civil Aviation Agency.

It is announced by the Civil Aviation Agency that the collocutors stated the cooperation in the area of application of European navigation system PBN, which enables more accurate navigation and thus significantly contributes to the air transport regularity, should be intensified. 

"The expert assistance of the EUROCONTROL may be particularly important for consideration of... OPŠIRNIJE