Press Release: The council of the Civil Aviation Agency elected Dragan Đurović as the director of the Agency

The Council of the Civil Aviation Agency has today elected Dragan Djurovic as Director of the Agency by unanimous decision of the current members.
In the opinion of the Council members, the Civil Aviation Agency has become a respectable aviation authority in the previous period, and all European aeronautical institutions have confirmed its results. Thanks to the engagement of the Agency, an efficient oversight system in civil aviation has been established and an impressive number of bylaws issued by the Agency has enabled the full implementation of European aviation regulations into our legal system. The leading role of the Agency in the One Stop Security Project should be particularly emphasized, whereby Montenegro, in addition to the United States and Canada, has been included in this European Union regime, which only obtain countries that have fully aligned their civil aviation standards with European Union standards. In terms of these results of the Agency, Dragan Djurovic, as Director has shown an outstanding engagement and has played a leading role.

The recent election of Djurovic as a member of the Coordination Committee of the European Civil Aviation Conference is a confirmation of his personal engagement and full commitment to the development of civil aviation safety and security, as well as to strengthening of position of Montenegro in the policy of the European Union in the civil aviation area. This is an acknowledgment of Montenegro, which for the first time in its history has representatives in the governing structures of some of the European aeronautical institutions. 

That is why the members of the Council have assessed that the election of Djurovic will represent a continuity of the good business results of the Agency and the continuation of the process of strengthening the civil aviation security and safety in Montenegro.

Pursuant to the law, the Council referred a Decision on the election of the Director of the Agency to the Ministry of Transport and Maritime affairs for approval.