Regulation on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 138/21) (transposing Regulation No 2018/1139)

Regulation on application of technical requirements for the airworthiness of aircraft, engine, propeller, parts, appliances and their parts (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 16/2013)

          Amendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 9/2014)

Regulation on coordinated introduction of voice communication with 8,33 kHz voice channels spacing for the single European sky (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” 27/2014) (transposing Commission Regulation 1079/2012)

         Amendments (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 35/2019 and 28/2021)

Regulation on licences and training organisations of air traffic controllers   (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 29/2016) (transposing Regulation of the European Commission (EU) No 2015/340)

          Amendments (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 88/17 and 107/21)

Regulation on working hours and flight control vacations ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" No 64/2017)

Regulation laying down a common charging scheme for air navigation services (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 41/2018) (transposing Commission Regulations No 1794/2006 1191/2010 and 391/2013; transposed Commission Regulations No 1191/2010 and 391/2013 shall apply as from the date of full membership of Montenegro in European Union)

Regulation on areas, compartments, technical equipment and security check at aerodrome (”Official Gazette of the FRY” No 13/2000)

Regulation on aircraft component maintenance technical personnel (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 52/2013)

Regulation on requirements on aircraft identification and for the performance and the interoperability of surveillance for the single European sky (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 27/2014) (transposing Commission Regulation 1206 and 1207/2011)

          Amedments (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 24/20165/2020 and 28/2021)


Regulation on harmozation of technical requirements and administrative procedures in the field of civil aviation (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 41/2018) (transposing Council Regulation  (EEC) No 3922/91)

Regulation on groundhandling services of aircraft, passengers and cargo at the airport (“Official Gazette of the SFRY” No 66/87, 57/90, ”Official Gazette of the FRY” No 51/92 and 38/95)

Regulation on additional airworthiness specifications for a given type of operations (Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 61/15)

Amemdments (Official Gazette of Montenegro” 116/21 and 66/22)

Regulation on procedures for flight plans in the pre-flight phase (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” 5/2020) (transposing Commission Regulation 1033/2006)


Regulation on investigation of aircraft safety occurrences (“Official Gazette of the SFRY” No 79/87)

Regulation on establishment of Joint Undertaking for the implementation of Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) project in accordance with European Air Traffic Management Master Plan (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 48/2018) (transposing Council Regulation (EC) No 219/2007, Council Decision No 2009/320/EZ and Council resolution on the endorsement of the European Air Traffic Management Master Plan)

Regulation on rescue and fire-fighting services at aerodromes (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 43/2020) (Application starts on 21 November 2020)

Regulation laying down common airspace usage requirements and operating procedures for airborne collision avoidance(“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 48/2012) (transposing Commission Regulation No 1332/2011)

Amendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 22/2019)

Rulebook on method, rules and procedures for flight operations and operational air traffic services (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 11/2016) (transposing Commission Regulation 923/2012)

          Amendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 40/2018 and 35/2019)


Regulation on conditions for operating paragliders, paraglider pilots licences and training organisations (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 83/2018)

         Amendment  (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 35/2019)

Regulation laying down detailed rules for the operations of balloons (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 48/2018) (transposing Commission Regulation (EU) No 2018/395)

Amendment (Sl.l. CG br. 126/21)

Regulation laying down provision of flight calibration services (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 13/2013)

Regulation on detail rules for the implementation of air traffic management (ATM) network functions (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 51/21) (transposing Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/123) 

Amendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 43/22)


Regulation laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 31/13) (transposing Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012)

          Amendments (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 24/1447/1456/1527/166/1725/1738/1867/1821/1963/20107/20 and 90/22)

Regulation on notifying, analysing and follow-up of occurences in civili aviation (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 45/16) (transposing Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/1018)

          Amendments (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 22/20129/20150/22 and 64/24)

Regulation on the organization and composition of the Board of Appeal of the European Aviation Safety Agency (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 22/2013) (transposing Commission Regulation No 104/2004)


Regulation on conditions for providing aerial work (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 4/2014)

Regulation on establishment of noise-related operating restrictions of aircrafts at airports (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” 80/2016) (transposing Regulation (EU) No 598/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council)

Regulation on safety improvement, the investigation and prevention of accidents and incidents in civil aviation  (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 23/13) (transposing Commission Regulation No 996/2010)

          Amendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 40/18 and 6/22)


Regulation on conditions for holding air-shows (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 24/2014)

          Amendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 63/2015)

Order on time when aerodromes must be open to air traffic operations (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 110/2021)

        Amendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 115/2021)

Regulation on standards and criteria for use of manouvering surfaces, facilities and equipement at aerodrome (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 29/2014)

       Amendments (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 56/2015, 19/20178/201871/20181/2020110/2020 and 26/2021)

Regulation on working methods of the European Aviation Safety Agency for conducting standardization inspections (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 3/2014) (transposing Commission Regulation No 628/2013)


Regulation on issuance of operating licence for commercial air transport (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 9/2015) (transposing Regulation No 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council)

Regulation on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances, and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 57/15) (transposing Commission Regulation No 1321/2014)

          Ammendments (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” 69/1532/19108/2033/21116/21 and 10/22)

Regulation on the interoperability of the European Air Traffic Management Network and improving the efficiency and sustainability of the European aviation system (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 22/2013) (transposing Commission Regulation No 552/2004)

       Amendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 40/2020)

Regulation on fees and charges levied by the European Aviation Safety Agency  (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 139/22 from 16.12.2022 ) (EU regulation 2019/2153)

Rulebook on how to transmit flight messages for announcing the coordination and handover of flights between air traffic control units ( "Official Gazette of Montenegro" No 47/2016) (Commission Regulation adopted (EU) No 633/2007) 

Regulation on manner of flight message transfer for the purpose of notification, coordination and transfer of flights between air traffic control units (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 47/2016) (transposing Commision Regulation (EU) No 633/2007) 

Regulation laying down the place and manner of applying aircraft nationality and registration marks (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 57/2012)

             Ammendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 75/2016)

Regulation on Air Traffic Flow Management (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 118/21) (transposing Commission Regulation No 255/2010)
Amendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 063/23)

Regulation on requirements for use and classification of airspace (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” 52/2017)

Regulation on aerodrome capacity expanding and limiting, flight schedule harmonisation and allocation of slots (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 49/2014) (transposing Council Regulation 95/93) 

Rulebook on the conditions of use and classification of airspace ( "Official Gazette of Montenegro" No 52/2017)

Regulation on content and manner of keeping aerodromes register (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 43/2017)

Regulation on quality of aeronautical data and aeronautical information (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 69/2016) (transposing Commission Regulations No 73/2010 and 1029/2014) (the Regulation shall apply as from the date of full membership of Montenegro in European Union)

Rulebook on the content and method of keeping the airport register ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" No 43/2017)

Regulation on criteria and standards for use of manouvering surfaces, facilities and equipement at helidrome (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 9/2015)

          Amendment  (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 58/2018 and 11/2021)

Regulation on requirements on data link services for the single European sky (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 19/2021) (transposing Commission Regulation No 29/2009)

Regulation on air crew  (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 8/13) (transposing Regulations of the European Commission (EU) No 1178/2011 and 290/2012)

          Amendments (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 23/1427/1515/1781/1846/1933/21 and 128/21)

Regulation on airspace management and airspace structures (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” 70/2017)

Regulation on air navigation certification and environment certification of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances and for certification of design and production organisations (Part 21) (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 53/2012) (transposing Commission Regulation No 748/2012)

          Ammendments (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”  10/201313/201457/201512/201743/2020 and 87/2020)

Regulation laying down content and manner of keeping the civil aircraft register of Montenegro (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 63/2012)

          Ammendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” 78/2016)

Regulation on information to be provided before the establishment and modification of a functional airspace block (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” 27/2014) (transposing Commission Regulation 176/2011)

Regulation on the organization of working time of mobile workers in civil aviation (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 14/2013) (transposing Directive of the Council No 2000/79/EC)

          Corrigendum (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 43/2014)

Regulation on requirements and administrative procedures related to aerodromes ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" No 39/2018) (Transposing Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014)

          Amendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 55/2021)

Regulation laying down units of measurement in the civil aviation (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 62/12)

Regulation on requirements for the coordinated allocation and use of Mode S interrogator codes for the single European sky (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” 27/2014) (transposing Commission Regulation 262/2009)

         Amendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 28/2021)

Regulation on content and manner of keeping Aeronautical personnel register (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 50/2013)

Regulation on Common Projects and Establishment of Pilot Common Project for Conducting the European ATM Master Plan  (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 40/2018) (transposing Commission Regulations No 409/2013 and 716/2014)

Amendment (SL.I. CG br. 101/22)

Regulation on groundhandling services (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 68/2015) (transposing Council Directive 96/67/EC) 

Regulation on conditions and way of parachute use (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 43/2022)


Regulation on performance scheme for air navigation services and network functions (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 41/2018) (transposing Commission Regulation No 390/2013; the Regulation shall apply as from the date of full membership of Montenegro in European Union)