Director of the Civil Aviation Agency Dragan Đurović elected as a member of the ECAC Coordination Committee

Director of the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro, Dragan Djurovic was elected today in Paris as a member of the Coordinating Committee of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), one of the most important European aviation institutions. Djurovic has been elected unanimously by 44 member countries of the European Civil Aviation Conference.
The main goal of ECAC is to create a safe, secure, efficient and continuous European air traffic system through the harmonization of the management of this traffic among the members. The Coordinating Committee manages the work of ECAC. It is consisted of 11 Civil Aviation Directors from the most important European countries, who assume the responsibility for managing specific areas within the scope of ECAC activities. The Coordinating Committee is currently consisted of directors of the aviation authorities of France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, Italy, Austria, Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland and Slovakia.

Dragan Djurovic is the only member of the Coordinating Committee coming from a country that is not the EU Member State.

The appointment of Djurovic is a recognition for personal engagement and for the highly visible results in Europe of the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro in development of the safety and security of air traffic. This is also a significant acknowledgment for Montenegro, which for the first time in its history has a representative in the management structures in certain European aviation institutions, and the evidence that Montenegro meets the highest security and safety standards in civil aviation.

After the elections, Djurovic thanked the States that proposed him for this function and all the States that formally supported him during election procedure, pointing out that this is a great recognition for Montenegro, the Civil Aviation Agency and for him personally. He emphasized a full commitment of Montenegro to the policy of the European Union in the field of air traffic and announced a continuation of personal engagement in the joint mission of the development of safety and security of civil aviation.

The news of the election was published on the following portals (in Montenegrin): 

Cafe del Montenegro
Portal Analitika
Portal Antena M
Portal Pink

Press release from the daily press can be found enclosed (in Montenegrin):
Dnevne novine prilog 1
Dnevne novine prilog 2