Šćekić – the Agency Director with four-year term of office

Council of the Civil Aviation Agency (CAA) unanimously elected Ivan Šćekić as the Director of the Agency with four-year term of office.

That was decided on 23 May 2024, following the public competition and procedure that was conducted in accordance with the Law on Air Transport.

The line Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs provided its consent to the decision.

Šćekić holds an MSc in Air Transport and Traffic Engineering.

Apart from professional references, he has a significant experience in this area and he is very well familiar with activities of the civil aviation authority both on national and international level.

The newly elected director was head of Air Navigation Safety division in the Agency, and the results acknowledged by international partners of the State were accomplished through team work that has commitment and responsible character.

In the period from 18 March 2024 to the date of the election, he was covering the position of the Acting Director of the CAA.

In this short period, he managed to implement many activities on national and international level, which were of importance for the development of institution.

Šćekić recently stated that the work focus is on preservation and increase of levels of aviation safety and security, the absolute application of international and national regulations, as well as increase of professional improvement of staff.