11 years 2 weeks

Director of the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro Dragan Djurovic and Director General of Civil Aviation of France Patrick Gandil signed the Technical Cooperation Program between the competent civil aviation authorities of Montenegro and France on 18.06.2013 in Paris.

The signing of this Cooperation Program continued with the intensive activities of the Montenegrin Civil Aviation Agency to establish close and partnership relations with the aviation authorities in Europe.

This Technical Cooperation Program, the General Directorate of Civil Aviation of France and the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro, recognize the common interest in promoting and developing mutual training and technical... OPŠIRNIJE

11 years 2 months

The Agency for Civil Aviation reminds that on Monday, April 8, The Ordinance on the Crew of Aircraft ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" No. 8/2013), which regulates the area of ​​issuance, extension and renewal of licenses and authorizations of licenses of pilots and cabin crew, as well as the conditions for obtaining and extending the medical certificates of the holder of Montenegrin pilot licenses and (JAR-FCL 1); Ordinance on licenses and training centers for helicopter pilots (JAR-FCL 2); and the Ordinance on the Determination of the Medical Fitness of Aircraft Personnel in Civil Aviation (JAR-FCL 3).

Montenegrin license holders of pilots and cabin crew are obliged to get acquainted with the provisions of the new Ordinance on aircraft... OPŠIRNIJE

11 years 3 months

The Civil Aviation Agency is 28.03.2013. in the multimedia hall of Podgorica airport organized a public debate on the topic "Rules on hang-gliding and paragliding".

Participation in the public debate, besides the organizers, took over twenty paraglider pilots from Montenegro, as well as representatives of SMATSA.

It is particularly important to emphasize the presence of renowned experts from this field, Zoran Petrovic from Serbia. His active participation and experience in this field was a valuable contribution to the public debate.

Public debate was conducted by Mile Nikolić, Director of the air traffic safety sector.

After a four-hour discussion, a version of the... OPŠIRNIJE