12 years 1 week

Lately, the Civil Aviation Agency has, in various ways, in a formal and informal manner, been confronted with numerous notifications and applications related to illegal activities in the field of civil aviation, in particular to those related to paragliding activities.

For a number of applications, it turned out, luckily, that they were false. However, regardless of the nature of the information, the Agency conducted regular and extraordinary checks as part of its regular monitoring activities which led to the initiation of proceedings against the responsible persons and aircraft operators.

Considering that an increase in the number of similar events can be expected to meet the upcoming summer season, in order to... OPŠIRNIJE

12 years 1 month

Director of the European Agency for the Safety of Air Traffic (EASA) Patrik Godu and Director of the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro Dragan Djurovic signed today a working arrangement between EASA and the Civil Aviation Agency related to SAFA - Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft.

The signing of this Working Arrangement is of great importance for the further progress of Montenegro and the raising of safety standards in air traffic.

This Working Arrangement introduces a harmonized approach in the implementation of international safety standards within the country participating in the SAFA program and in the territory of Montenegro.

In particular, this document establishes procedures for conducting inspections of third country aircraft at airports in the... OPŠIRNIJE

12 years 1 month

The Director of the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro, Mr. Dragan Djurovic, and the Executive Director of the Civil Aviation Authority of Albania, Mr. Ervin Minarolli, starting from the common interest, contribute to the achievement of high uniform standards of civil aviation standards by direct good neighborly cooperation. ECAA Agreement, signed on 07.05.2012. in Tirana, a Memorandum of Understanding between the competent civil aviation authorities of Montenegro and Albania.

On this occasion, the delegations in which the most responsible heads were responsible for individual fields of work exchanged information and agreed on the basics for undertaking concrete activities of cooperation in the field of security, airport, safety,... OPŠIRNIJE