10 years 9 months

Members of the Mountaineering Club "High Mountainers of Montenegro" organized a climb at Mededja Vrh in memory of September 11, 1973, when JAT's Karavela SE-210 on the flight Skopje-Titograd hit the mountain top of Babin Zub. In this accident, all 35 passengers and 6 crew members were killed.

Among others, the participants of this event were mountaineers of Montenegro, the army of Montenegro and representatives of the Civil Aviation Agency.

You can see the gallery with photos from the climb here.

10 years 12 months

On July 9th, 2013 at 9:00 am and 30 minutes within the international project Adri seaplanes from the IPA ADRIATIC program, a flight of hydro-planes from Bridnis-Bar-Bridnis was organized.

The plane, as planned, landed on the water surface on the outside of the main breakwater, and then landed along the coast of the Passenger Terminal - Gat V, along with a pontoon whose procurement was realized within the mentioned international project. The partners within the Adri seaplanes project are the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs and Port of Bar, while the Agency for Civil Aviation has the role of an expert body.

The flight was realized with a hydro-plane from Sweden, Grafair Cessna 208 Caravan Amphibian,... OPŠIRNIJE

10 years 12 months

Paragliding in Montenegro is an increasingly popular sport, and for better regulation, with new legal solutions, the Civil Aviation Agency has received wider powers to control that area.

Director of the air traffic safety sector at the Agency Mileta Nikolić told Vijesti online that the inspectors of the Agency will further intensify and tighten regular controls "with the goal of preventive action, since an increased interest in this type of activity is expected during the summer months."

"In addition, through continuous communication and exchange of information, we will strive to further increase awareness of both paraglider pilots and all fans of this type of adrenaline activity, about the need to comply with legal... OPŠIRNIJE