10 years 3 weeks

The Civil Aviation Agency hereby informs interested entities, that in the following period, in accordance with the activity plan for this year and identified risks, it shall increase the frequency of paragliding inspection oversight.
In case of legal norms violation, the aviation safety inspectors shall sanction them pursuant to legal powers. For violations in this area, the amount of fine shall be between 300 and 2000 euros.

The Law on Air Transport and all bylaws from this field, shall ensure sufficient level of practising this activity, without violating safety level of aviation, other persons and property.

The Civil Aviation Agency shall be committed to environment protection and calls for practising paragliding activities in accordance with legal norms.

10 years 1 month

The workshop was attended by 19 representatives of the following aviation entities: Public Enterprise Aerodromi Crne Gore (Airport Podgorica and Airport Tivat), Montenegro Airlines, Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA IIc Belgrade and Airways Montenegro. Workshop lecturers were representatives of Montenegro Civil Aviation Agency.
The workshop objective was exchange of actual experience and improvement of SMS implementation process, legal obligations regarding the need of development of own SMSs, and improvement of overall safety culture. The SMS system was presented, the way of its implementation, its benefits and problems the aviation entities can face during its implementation.

The topics presented at the workshop were referring to:

10 years 3 months

The workshop regarding the area of aviation safety events reporting has taken place within the premises of the Civil Aviation Agency
The workshop was attended by 16 representatives of the following aviation entities: General Secretariat of the Government of Montenegro, Ministry of Interior (Aircraft helicopter unit), Public Enterprise Aerodromi Crne Gore (Podgorica Airport and Tivat Airport), Montenegro Airlines, Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA IIc Belgrade and National Accidents and Serious Incidents Investigation Commission.
The workshop objective was exchange of actual experience and improvement of occurrence reporting process, from regulatory aspect and the aspect of providing air navigation services.

The topics presented at the workshop were... OPŠIRNIJE