6 years 10 months

The Director of the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro, Dragan Djurovic, and Director General International, Austrian Civil Aviation Authority, Silvia Gehrer, signed on 2 September 2017 in Reykjavik, at the Special Meeting of Directors General of civil aviation of ECAC member states, the Memorandum of Understanding between competent civil aviation authorities of Montenegro and Austria.
Through the Memorandum of Understanding, joint objectives and areas for bilateral cooperation between the civil aviation authorities of Montenegro and Austria have been agreed.

Having in mind that Austria is one more EU member state with which the Agency signed the Memorandum of Understanding, defining development and flexibility of use of documents and human resources in all aspects of... OPŠIRNIJE

6 years 11 months

Unmanned aircraft, better known as drones, are being more present at Montenegrin sky. They have great possibilities, whereas their safe piloting is of importance.
The Civil Aviation Agency, competent for inspection supervision of use of drones, launched the campaign with the objective to provide education to drone operators and general public on the manner of their use. One of campaign objectives is to call for drone operators to register in the Agency.

The agency also launched the campaign relating to paragliders. Many tourists are interested in this sport, and the objective of the Agency is to introduce the rules regarding meeting preconditions for safe paraglider flight to all.

Promotional banners of the Agency can be seen in July, August and September at portals... OPŠIRNIJE

7 years 2 months

Director of the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro, Dragan Djurovic was elected today in Paris as a member of the Coordinating Committee of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), one of the most important European aviation institutions. Djurovic has been elected unanimously by 44 member countries of the European Civil Aviation Conference.
The main goal of ECAC is to create a safe, secure, efficient and continuous European air traffic system through the harmonization of the management of this traffic among the members. The Coordinating Committee manages the work of ECAC. It is consisted of 11 Civil Aviation Directors from the most important European countries, who assume the responsibility for managing specific areas within the scope of ECAC activities. The Coordinating... OPŠIRNIJE