7 years 9 months

The 39th Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which is held every three years, shall take place in Montreal, Canada, in time period between 27 September and 07 October 2016, and it shall be attended by more than 1500 representatives from 191 ICAO member state.
ICAO is a United Nations specialised agency, established in 1944 to develop and modernise civil aviation standards and recommendations, in order to ensure secure, efficient and governed development of aviation.

Montenegro became ICAO member state in 2007.

As a global forum for cooperation between states, ICAO sets standards for secure and safe development of international civil aviation. ICAO activities are based on accomplishing the vision of safe, secure and sustainable civil... OPŠIRNIJE

8 years 4 weeks

The Visit of the EASA Executive Director to the Civil Aviation Agency
The first official visit of the Executive Director of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Mr Patrick Ky to Montenegro, was started with the meeting with the Civil Aviation Agency representatives. The purpose of the visit was to acquire information on aviation safety in Montenegro.
Visit of the Executive Director of the EASA, which followed visits of heads of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) and European Organization for the safety of air navigation (EUROCONTROL), resulted in informing all three key European organisations about aviation safety in our country. This fact is an important indicator of recognition of Montenegro Civil Aviation Agency achievements and overall development of... OPŠIRNIJE

8 years 4 months

A positive opinion was expressed today in the European Commission on Montenegro's application for the implementation of the one-stop security system in air transport.

Recognition of Montenegrin compliance with European standards of civil aviation safety was made after our country's participation in the project "One Security Control", led by the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro, and it is explained that the success in the project reflects the advanced level achieved by Montenegro in the application of European standards in air transport.

One security control is an air traffic safety initiative that allows passengers, luggage and cargo that have passed a single KD control in their initial destinations to make a... OPŠIRNIJE